Thursday, August 28, 2008

ECE projects

These projects were produced in the last month of ECE 4760 each spring. The students were given the responsibility of choosing their project, then designing and building it. The microcontroller used is the Atmel ATmega series. The students must stay within a very limited monetary budget. See the assignment for further description. The project numbers are for identification and do not represent ranking. Send comments or questions to Bruce Land, Electrical and Computer Engineering.Spring 2008 

all projects based on microcontroller are given

PowerBox: smart AC outlet with metering and control 

Rhythm Ring: Interactive Rhythm Sequencer (MP4 video) (youtube and another) 

Trumpet MIDI Controller (MP4 video) (longer 53 Mbyte MP4 video) 

Air Drums (MP4 video), (MOV video) (youtube) 

Recorder Hero (MP4 video) 

Dueling Banjos (MP4 video) 

Intelligent wireless pedometer

Networked Biometric Authentication

Easy Input -head controlled mouse and keyboard interface (MP4 video1, video2)

Virtual Keyboard 

3D LED display (MOV video 60 Mbyte) (MP4 video)

BordFree videogame (MP4 video)

Haptic glove (MP4 video1, video2) 

High Speed Photography Controller

3D Maze in a Box video game (MP4 video) 

3D Video Game Control (MP4 video) 

Multi-Player Light Cycle on Color TV (MP4 video) 

Gesture-driven Tetris (MP4 video) 

Remote Chess 

Data Acquisition System With Controller Area Network and SD Card

Automotive On-Board Diagnostics Reader

Adaptive 60 Hz Noise Cancellation

Neural Net Helicopter (MP4 video) 

Accelerometer Controlled R/C Vehicle (MP4 video) 

Robot Arm (MP4 video) 

Help Quit Smoking Watch 

Electronic Impact Vest (MP4 video) (hacknmod) (Gizmodo) 

TouchSynth (MP4 video) 

TriWheeler robot (MP4 video) (youtube) 

Music Wand: Real-Time Optical Scanning of Sheet Music (MP4 video) 

Teaching an old clock (GE® Model 8116k) new tricks

Shark Tag Microcontroller Platform

Ghost Writer Robot (MP4 video)

Rocket Inertial Navigation System

Guitar Tuner (MP4 video) (youtube) 

Scheme Interpreter 

Minigolf video game (MP4 video) 

Battlezone video game 


We offer live projects for BE, BTech, ME and other electronics and electrical related branches involving ECE, EEE, E&I core groups

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Introduction to PIC


Welcome to the start of the PIC Tutorial. These pages will take you form the basic structure of the device, right through to programming methods and techniques. Also, there will be suggestions on how to modify the code so that you can adapt the PIC to suit your applications within Cybot. We will not be including any internal architecture diagrams, as this may only lead to confusion. If you want to look at the datasheet, then this can be downloaded from Microchips' web site.

To start, let us take a look at the PIC.


Microchip PIC 16F84 Microcontroller

Microchip manufacture a series of microcontrollers called PIC. You can see the range of their microcontrollers here. There are many different flavours available, some basic low memory types, going right up through to ones that have Analogue - To- Digital converters and even PWM built in. We are going to concentrate on the 16F84 PIC. Once you have learnt how to program one type of PIC, learning the rest is easy.

There are several ways of programming the PIC - using BASIC, C, or Assembly Language. We are going to show you the Assembly Language. Don't be put off by this. There are only 35 instructions to learn, and it is the cheapest way to program the PICs, as you do not need any extra software other than the freebies.


The 16F84 Pins

Below is a diagram showing the pin-outs of the PIC 16F84. We will go through each pin, explaining what each is used for.

RA0 To RA4
RA is a bidirectional port. That is, it can be configured as an input or an output. The number following RA is the bit number (0 to 4). So, we have one 5-bit directional port where each bit can be configured as Input or Output.

RB0 To RB7
RB is a second bidirectional port. It behaves in exactly the same way as RA, except there are 8 - bits involved.

These are the power supply pins. VDD is the positive supply, and VSS is the negative supply, or 0V. The maximum supply voltage that you can use is 6V, and the minimum is 2V

These pins is where we connect an external clock, so that the microcontroller has some kind of timing.

This pin is used to erase the memory locations inside the PIC (i.e. when we want to re-program it). In normal use it is connected to the positive supply rail.

This is an input pin which can be monitored. If the pin goes high, we can cause the program to restart, stop or any other single function we desire. We won't be using this one much.

This is another clock input, which operates an internal timer. It operates in isolation to the main clock. Again, we won't be using this one much either.


How To Program The PIC

OK, so you haven't been put off so far. Now, you want to know how to program the PIC, but apart from learning the assembly code instructions, how do you go about actually programming the information in? Well, there are two ways - the easy way, and the DIY way. The easy way is to buy a PIC programmer (around £35), which will connect to your PC and you can program your PIC using the software provided. The DIY way is to build your own programmer (cheapest is just under £20) and use free software from the Internet and program it that way.

If you want to go for a DIY method, then We thoroughly recommend this site, and click on 'Supported Programmers' for circuits. The cheapest is TAIT Classic Programmer. Software for programming the PIC can also be downloaded from this site, under Download

If you want to go down an easier route, then check out this site. Here you can either buy a kit of parts or a ready made unit.

Another good site for some FREE software is here This software allows you to use any programmer, as the software is fully configurable.

Either method will do, as they both result in the same thing - program a PIC.

The next thing you will need is an assembler. This converts the program that you write into a format that the PIC understands. The best one around is from Microchip themselves, called MPLAB. It is windows based, and includes an editor, simulator, and assembler. This is the de-facto software, as it is written by the manufacturers of the PIC, and above all it is FREE!

We also recommend using Breadboard to make your circuits up, while you are playing with the PIC. There are various sizes available, which come with their own costs. Check out the Maplin Electronics links on the home page for more details of prices etc.

Next, we will look at how to connect up a simple circuit for PIC development.

Electronics & Gadgets

Guide Tips - Along with doing weekly laptop computer maintenance, mobile professionals must also do monthly laptop maintenance tasks to ensure the smooth operation of their laptops and to keep their data protected. The better care you take of your laptop, the longer it will last and you will stay...

Project : Color Organ

I have had many requests for this circuit. It was a very popular unit years ago. The basic idea of the project is to make different colored bulbs light at different frequencies of music. The circuit connects to the speaker outputs of your stereo or to the back of your speaker. The music passes through the transformer and the volume level is adjusted by the 5k ohm pot. Each light bulb is turn on by a different frequency of sound based on the resistor & capacitor combination in the gate circuit of the SCR. If the resistors R1, R2, or R3 are changed, the frequency of sound that will trigger the SCR will change. The isolation transformer is for protection.

Project : Electronic Combination Lock

This circuit is very basic to build. To open a the lock which is connected to the K1 Load you must press each momentary switch in the correct sequence. The sequence used in this circuit is S1,S2,S3,S4. If any of the other switches are pressed the circuit will reset and you will need to start over. Depending on how you wire the switches, you can use any 4 switch combination.

July 98 Project : Phone "Hold" With Music

This circuit will allow you to place a phone call on hold and if you wish to have them listen to music while they are on hold. The circuit operates as follows: The RED wire from the phone jack is typically positive and the GREEN wire is negative or ground. When you want to place a call on hold, close S1 and hang up the handset. The resistor R1 simulates another phone off hook and allows enough current to pass through to prevent the phone company from disconnecting the call. The resistor R2 and LED provide a visual indication that you have someone on hold ( this is optional ) The capacitor C1 and the transformer provide the interface to a radio or CD player headphone jack. Before you hook up the project to the phone line you must determine the polarity of the line. Place a voltmeter across the red and green wires of the telephone line, there should be about 48 volts DC positive when the black lead of your meter is connected to the green phone wire. If it is negative 48 volts then reverse the wires.

July 2008 Project : 60 LED Clock

  • This months project is based on the 4017 chip that we used in a project last month. If you haven't had a chance to review the basics of the 4017 chip you may want to review the info presented in June's project of the month.

    As you can see see we have changed the circuit a little. For example, the 4093 NAND gate is now set to exactly 1 second clock pulses. The clock rate is determined by the resistor and capacitor combination on the 4093. If the resistor is 220k ohms and the capacitor is 4.7uf then the output will be 1 second clock pulses. To increase the clock rate you should decrease the value of the resistor or capacitor. To decrease the clock rate you should increase the value of the resistor or capacitor. Please remember to ground all unused legs of the 4093 or noise in the circuit will occur and cause the clock to malfunction. Therefore, ground pins 5,6,8,9,12, and 13. To operate the circuit simply move the switch from STOP to RUN.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



Despite it’s relatively old age, the 8051 is one of the most popular microcontrollers in use today. Many derivative microcontrollers have since been developed that are based on--and compatible with--the 8051. Thus, the ability to program an 8051 is an important skill for anyone who plans to develop products that will take advantage of microcontrollers.


 >>> Enter here for detail on "Introduction" <<<

 Click here for >>>> 8051 Tutorial - Chapter 1 (Types of Memory)

Chapter 2

                  Special Function Registers

Chapter 3

                  Basic Registers

Chapter 4

                 Addressing Modes

Chapter 5

                 Program Flow

Chapter 6

               Low Level Information

Chapter 7


Chapter 8

            Serial Port Operations

Chapter 9


           Additional Features in 8052 


            8051 / 8052 Instruction Set
 8051 Tutorial
Author : Craig Steiner
Source :
Book : The 8051/8052 Microcontroller: 
  Architecture, Assembly Language, And 
  Hardware Interfacing (Paperback)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Electronics Club

Welcome to the Electronics Club

Electronics Projects
Kits for all the projects are available from RSH Electronics. .... Click here for RSH Electronics Kits for all these projects are available from RSH ...

Monday, July 28, 2008

An IR Encoder/Decoder pair made with PIC12C508's for each of them

I volunteered to turn a friend of mine's Warhammer 40K Imperial Rhino personel carrier into a remote controlled item. Little did I understand the undertaking that I had agreed on! My requirements for this project were that the transmitter and receiver had to be a single chip design, done all in software. I succeeded. The receiver chip uses a Panasonic 4602 38KHz receiver and that's it for external components. It has the serial input (GP3) , two RC hobby servo outputs (GP0/GP1) and three digital outputs (GP2,4,5). Here is the code for the receiver chip. It is a bit of a specialty in that the digital outputs are actually "momentary contact" type outputs because I only needed a pulse to go out to trigger a cheap sound board I got from a $6 toy! I don't even use the GP2 output in this design. The receiver uses 4 NiCd 115MAH cells, the largest set I could fit into the Rhino! The transmitter chip uses 5 pullup resistors and an IR LED powered through a 330 resistor - quite a bit of power I think. To keep things simple, I used a 78L05 to power the PIC so I could use a 9V battery and keep the whole project box size small. It will run fine on 3 alkaline cells, or, from 4.5 to 5.5V. The transmitter reads the status of the 5 momentary contact buttons and decides what messages to send to the receiver. Here, I give priority by bit value, just so there needs to be no encoding and it keeps the code simple. Also, when a direction command is given (forward, reverse, left, right) I also give the 'go' command and the 'motor noise' commands. If a button is pressed and immediately released, the transmitter waits a couple seconds and sends the 'stop' command. This allows you to hold a button down, issue a series of commands continuously but still stop nicely. The transmitter issues a constant stream of 'stop' commands when no button is pressed. This is a nice troubleshooting method as well as insuring that the unit doesn't just take off! Here is the code for the IR transmitter.

Building the Rhino was a challenge. It is about 5 inches long and about 3.5 inches wide and about 2 inches tall. Into that I needed to put a battery pack, two motors, two motor drivers, the IR receiver board and actual drive wheels and wiring with a sound board and speaker. Wow. I used two LEGO micro motors for the drive motors, they were connected to two LEGO medium pulleys via rubber bands and held in place using two-stud LEGO axels through a two stud Technic rail - If you know LEGO, you know what I mean by that. I drove the motors by connecting them to the "guts" of two old hobby servos. This gave me two small bi-directional motor drivers that I only needed a single I/O line to control. The receiver board was about 1 inch by 1.5 inches and had the IR receiver sticking out the top of the model. The 4 cell 115MAH NiCd pack was about 1 inch x 2 inch by 0.5 inch, very small! I used "tank" steering and mounted a pivot ball near the back of the tank to lower friction. Below are the schematics for the transmitter and receiver sections including the battery and motor/driver setups as I installed them. I only needed to make a couple of smalll internal mods to get all of the stuff to fit.

Making a simple effective whisker bumper

We all have need of that last line of defense when the SONAR glitches, the IRPD doesn't and our bot is on a collision course with a table leg. That last defense against re-kitting is a bumper. I have made a few from microswitches, miniswitches and other things - usually they work, sometimes they need too much force to work and "ugh" collision. This example is another type of sensor that doesn't use a switch, its parts are super cheap and it works just great. Its a "whisker" bumper. Here are the parts you need to build one too.
Small piece of single sided un-etched PC board (I use 3.5cm X 2cm)
Two lengths of 1mm piano wire bent into your appropriate shape (hopefully both the same!)
Two 2-pin "Berg" headers
A little bit of wire

Let me show you some pictures and describe what is going on, a picture is worth a thousand words in this kind of game. Click on the images to make them bigger

This is the top of the PC board with mounting holes drilled.
Note centering of the two Berg headers and the whiskers
so they go directly between the leads. This side of the
board is NON conductive! It is about 1.5cm between
the point where the wire goes through the board and
the Berg headers. I pulled the plastic separator off to
install the whiskers then put is back on loosely, mostly
for looks I guess.
I have carved out two places for the contacts and then
shorted the two of them together with a wire. You could
have two different inputs here if that is needed. The wires
each have a 'Z' bend in them where they are soldered to
the large conductive surface, this gives better support
than just running the wires through.
for more information click here

Sunday, July 20, 2008

on chip LDO with adaptive control

Low-dropout linear regulators (LDOs) have gained popularity with the growth of battery-powered equipment. Portable electronic equipment including cellular telephones, laptop computers and a variety of handheld electronic devices has increased the need for efficient voltage regulation to prolong battery life. LDOs are widely built into all electronic appliances by all means not only for portable electronic devices. Recently, in order to save power consumptions, a system that was originally supplied by one LDO is divided into many blocks and supplied by a plurality of LDO. This means that the power is supplied only to an operating block and unused blocks are made into a standby mode. So the power consumption can be saved for a full system


In this work, a quick response circuit is proposed to improve the load transient response of a fully On Chip Low Dropout Voltage Regulator, which is operable with very low power consumption for use in digital baseband of cell phones was developed. The quick response circuit consists of two high speed offset comparators working in tandem with respect to the load variations. The high speed comparators were incorporated into the fast path of the circuit thereby making the fast path loop adaptive to the changes in the load transient. This was a major reason we could reduce the power consumption as the fast path was connected to the circuit only when there is a change in the load variations. The stability of the system was ensured by compensating the circuit at no load conditions. The circuit was made temperature and process independent by the use of an advanced bias circuit. The circuit was designed for a specification of 1.2V, 50mA. A line and load regulation of 30ppm/mA and 0.01% respectively was achieved. The transient overshoots and undershoots were in the range of few tens of millivolts. The circuit was satisfactorily working for temperature ranges from -55oC – 125oC. This makes the circuit comparable to the industry standards. The work was carried on CADENCE Spectre simulations with 180nm UMC CMOS technology and it showed that transient responses with less transients overshoots and undershoots, when driving large current loads, could be achieved. for more information click  link

Project : Infrared Remote Control

This circuit will allow you to turn on any piece of equipment that operates on 115 volts ac. The receiver circuit is based on the Radio Shack infrared receiver module (MOD), part number 276-137. It is also available from some of the other sources listed on my Links page. The MOD accepts a 40khz IR signal that is modulated at 4 khz. When a signal is received the MOD will go low. The sensitivity of the MOD is set by different values for R1 and C1. The values for R1 may need to be as high as 10,000 ohms and for C1 40uf. This will prevent the unit from turning on under normal lighting conditions. You will need to experiment with the values that work best for you. The output of the 4013 chip a flip flop toggles on and off with the reception of a IR pulse. The output of the 4013 turns on the MOC optical coupler which in turn switches on the triac and supplies power to the AC load.