Thursday, August 28, 2008

ECE projects

These projects were produced in the last month of ECE 4760 each spring. The students were given the responsibility of choosing their project, then designing and building it. The microcontroller used is the Atmel ATmega series. The students must stay within a very limited monetary budget. See the assignment for further description. The project numbers are for identification and do not represent ranking. Send comments or questions to Bruce Land, Electrical and Computer Engineering.Spring 2008 

all projects based on microcontroller are given

PowerBox: smart AC outlet with metering and control 

Rhythm Ring: Interactive Rhythm Sequencer (MP4 video) (youtube and another) 

Trumpet MIDI Controller (MP4 video) (longer 53 Mbyte MP4 video) 

Air Drums (MP4 video), (MOV video) (youtube) 

Recorder Hero (MP4 video) 

Dueling Banjos (MP4 video) 

Intelligent wireless pedometer

Networked Biometric Authentication

Easy Input -head controlled mouse and keyboard interface (MP4 video1, video2)

Virtual Keyboard 

3D LED display (MOV video 60 Mbyte) (MP4 video)

BordFree videogame (MP4 video)

Haptic glove (MP4 video1, video2) 

High Speed Photography Controller

3D Maze in a Box video game (MP4 video) 

3D Video Game Control (MP4 video) 

Multi-Player Light Cycle on Color TV (MP4 video) 

Gesture-driven Tetris (MP4 video) 

Remote Chess 

Data Acquisition System With Controller Area Network and SD Card

Automotive On-Board Diagnostics Reader

Adaptive 60 Hz Noise Cancellation

Neural Net Helicopter (MP4 video) 

Accelerometer Controlled R/C Vehicle (MP4 video) 

Robot Arm (MP4 video) 

Help Quit Smoking Watch 

Electronic Impact Vest (MP4 video) (hacknmod) (Gizmodo) 

TouchSynth (MP4 video) 

TriWheeler robot (MP4 video) (youtube) 

Music Wand: Real-Time Optical Scanning of Sheet Music (MP4 video) 

Teaching an old clock (GE® Model 8116k) new tricks

Shark Tag Microcontroller Platform

Ghost Writer Robot (MP4 video)

Rocket Inertial Navigation System

Guitar Tuner (MP4 video) (youtube) 

Scheme Interpreter 

Minigolf video game (MP4 video) 

Battlezone video game 

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